3 Phase Devices
Price range
Special items
- SKU:
- LLM3ff
- Variations in:
- Variant
- SKU:
- N43ff
- Variations in:
- Input Voltage/Supply Voltage
- SKU:
- NR30IoTff
- Variations in:
- Input Current _ Supply Voltage
- SKU:
- ND10ff
- Variations in:
- Input Current
- SKU:
- SKU:
- ND30IoTff
- Variations in:
- Supply Voltage
- Measurement of 54 parameters and harmonics up to the 63rd harmonic for current and voltage in symmetrically or asymmetrically loaded single-phase 2-wire systems and three-phase 3-or 4-wire systems.
- 3.5" colour TFT graphic display, 320 x 240 pixels, user-programmable arangement of parameters in the displays (8 parameters in each of the 10 display pages)
- Displays that take into account the values of the programmed turn ratios
- Memory for maximum and minimum values
- 2 configurable alarm outputs
- Function of the monitoring relays for alarm outputs, optional: analogue output 0/4-20mA and 2 Pt100 inputs
- Optional RS-485 interface - Modbus protocol
- Archiving of up to 32 measurement parameters in internal 8GB data memory (optional)
- Modern and user-friendly Ethernet 10/100 BASE-T'm interface (otpional):
- Protocol: MODBUS TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, Services: Web servber, FTP server, DHCP
- MQTT protocol for IoT applications
- Parameter programming via free eCon software
- Real time clock (RTC) with battery backup
- SKU:
- ND04ff
- Variations in:
- Supply Voltage